Here at Queer Majority, we focus on crafting nuanced arguments that address important and sometimes controversial topics. Typically, the subjects we engage are part of long, ongoing conversations, but occasionally, we are confronted by current events that demand our immediate attention. This series is dedicated to such occasions, where writers apply the same thoughtful QM approach to pressing contemporary issues.
Nigeria’s harsh anti-LGBT laws are fueling violence, but if they chose a different path, other African nations might follow.
The Assad family’s 53-year dictatorship of Syria is over. But will the new regime be any better for LGBT people?
“The courts in our conservative county agreed: our daughter is better off with four parents than with two.”
How conspiracies about “Anglo-Saxons”, LGBT people, and Jews power the Russian war machine in Ukraine.
How left-wing extremists, right-wing Muslims, and provincial conservatives teamed up to make a mockery of Canadian human rights advocacy.
For modern fathers, today's responsibilities plus yesterday’s expectations can be backbreaking. Is there a healthier balance?
Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act has made it one of the most dangerous places on Earth to be LGBT. Can anything be done?
Many gay separatists see bi people as holding queers back, but that’s just the victimhood mentality talking.
Rob Halford rocked so hard he had straight guys lining up to be whipped with his leather riding crop.
“I fear the day the populist right realizes it has more in common with American Muslims than it does with NYU graduates.”
As state propaganda hijacked Russian LGBT activism, it took a special kind of mascot to claw through the noise.
From Cool Girls to Girl Bosses to Bimbos, Tradwives, Brats, and Cat Ladies, the next “other girl” trope keeps reinventing itself.
How radical feminists and gay separatists allied with the religious right against trans, bi, and queer rights.
"As a queer refugee from Ukraine, I take the UK’s Southport riots personally. So should all LGBT people."
Women may say they don’t want to date bi men, but they already are — these bi guys are just in the closet.
The fury over a “man in a dress” shows that the “gender-critical“ movement has become just another authoritarian cult.