As queer cinema goes mainstream, can it hold on to its defiant roots?
Women may say they don’t want to date bi men, but they already are — these bi guys are just in the closet.
In the 2000s, male writers dreamed up a trope of the ultimate fantasy woman. Now, female writers are creating their version.
Critics are convinced that the rise in LGBTQ+ identification is driven by the TQ+, but that’s not what the data says.
LGBT refugees are among the most motivated, patriotic, and productive newcomers. Turning them away is self-sabotage.
New research suggests that more people aren’t just coming out as bi, they are becoming more bi.
The new Dungeons & Dragons has confused safetyism and cringeworthy stereotypes for inclusivity.
Pro wrestling's original bi bad boy, Chris Colt was “the best wrestler that nobody ever saw.”
Nigeria’s harsh anti-LGBT laws are fueling violence, but if they chose a different path, other African nations might follow.
The Assad family’s 53-year dictatorship of Syria is over. But will the new regime be any better for LGBT people?
“The courts in our conservative county agreed: our daughter is better off with four parents than with two.”
How conspiracies about “Anglo-Saxons”, LGBT people, and Jews power the Russian war machine in Ukraine.
Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act has made it one of the most dangerous places on Earth to be LGBT. Can anything be done?
"As a queer refugee from Ukraine, I take the UK’s Southport riots personally. So should all LGBT people."
Some critics think that younger generations are more bi because it’s trendy. New research shows otherwise.
The data shows that young straight people are having less sex than ever — but bi folks are doing better. What explains this divide?
Hiring biases against women have been all but eradicated, yet new research shows that people just don’t believe it.
As politics takes a role once filled by religion, research shows that no one wants to date radicals.
Imposing Western identity politics onto the Middle East is a formula for moral insanity.
“Bi men may have the most ‘masculine’ voices — but we also face the most pressure to code-switch.”
For modern fathers, today's responsibilities plus yesterday’s expectations can be backbreaking. Is there a healthier balance?
Many gay separatists see bi people as holding queers back, but that’s just the victimhood mentality talking.
As state propaganda hijacked Russian LGBT activism, it took a special kind of mascot to claw through the noise.
From Cool Girls to Girl Bosses to Bimbos, Tradwives, Brats, and Cat Ladies, the next “other girl” trope keeps reinventing itself.
Blockbusters have more bi characters than ever, but you’d never know it from watching the movies.
How radical feminists and gay separatists allied with the religious right against trans, bi, and queer rights.